LIGHT DRIVE2.1 is a lightweight power add-on that turns manual wheelchairs into ultralight power chairs. Thanks to its robust and reliable technology, users will experience increased mobility in everyday life, on almost any terrain, indoor and outdoor. Attached and detached in seconds,
compact and easily transportable in any vehicle will give wheelchair users independence to go where they want.
The Light Drive² Becomes The Light Drive 2.1
An extended colour range, a new anti-tip, a more ergonomic clutch system… LIGHT DRIVE 2.1 is changing to make life even more beautiful!
The Light Drive 2.1 offers you the possibility of motorising your wheelchair very easily in a few seconds.
Intended for all occasional or permanent users of wheelchairs, the Benoit Systemes Light Drive 2.1 keeps intact all the capacities of the manual wheelchair but radically extends the possibilities of movement.
Benoit Systemes wheelchair power add-on devices will not change either the overall dimensions of the chair, the folding ability or the centre of balance.
Your wheelchair, thus equipped, remains as easy to manoeuvre and use as when it is purely manual. Disengage the motorisation in one movement and thus find the classic use of the manual wheelchair.
The Light Drive 2.1 allowed me to regain freedom, independence… it’s a real master key. Nothing can stop it: stony path, grass, even steep climbs, and conversely the descents and without effort! It even performs on the cobblestones in town, the best! Stephanie